Web Development Trends 2022

The increasing speed of technology, the frequent change in market trends, and the need to stay up-to-date have made it extremely challenging for businesses to sustain themselves in the ever-evolving world of technology without proper web development services in India and Web Development Company India. From enhancing eCommerce websites to developing apps, companies are looking for such web development services to grow their business.

1. Web Assembly

After years of development, it's a good time to be a front-end developer. When you're designing websites in five years, Web Assembly will likely be making its way into your workflow. It offers an open-source standard that makes it easy to compile code written in any language (including C/C++) into a platform-agnostic binary format that can run without plugins on any device. All major browsers currently support Web Assembly, which will dramatically improve developers' lives.

2. Artificial Intelligence

Although its adoption has taken some time, AI is no longer a future technology. We can see that it's starting to make waves in many industries today. Soon, AI will likely be incorporated into every industry and even replace entire roles in certain industries. Web development agencies in India are currently building platforms that leverage AI's capabilities to take engagement with clients to a whole new level. And if you haven't started thinking about how your business could benefit from AI yet, you should start now. Here are a few things to consider:

A web development agency in India that uses artificial intelligence is more likely to retain clients than one that doesn't—especially if they have built an app or platform that offers chatbots or virtual assistants as part of its service offering.

3. Progressive Web Apps

Another trend we see on an upward trajectory is Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). These apps are available across all platforms and will continue to improve as developers gain more experience. It's a technology you must watch, so make sure you hire the best website developers in India.

The idea behind PWAs is that they combine some of the benefits of native applications with those of mobile websites. The result is faster load times, better performance, offline capabilities, and other features that boost user engagement. As Google says: The next time you visit a web page on your mobile device, consider whether it provides value even when there's no connectivity. If it does, it might be a PWA.

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are still in their early days, but both have a lot of potentials. VR is less mainstream than AR, although it's been a popular choice among video game developers in recent years. You can expect to see more companies embracing VR as the technology improves and becomes more accessible. Consider how you might use these technologies to provide customers with an immersive experience or if they might be valuable additions to your business operations.

4. Responsive Design

One of the biggest challenges today is designing websites that work on all devices. Though it was developed in 2010, responsive design -- adapting web pages to different screen sizes and resolutions -- has become more important than ever because mobile browsing has exceeded desktop browsing in most countries. If you're trying to hire the best website developers in India, keeping trends like responsive design in mind as you plan your new site is important. For example, an HTML5-based site will work better with mobile devices than a Flash-based one.

5. Voice Search Optimization

As Google and other search engines evolve their capabilities, one trend is becoming clear: voice search. With more and more devices, from smartwatches to cars to refrigerators, designed with voice command functions, it makes sense that people will start speaking rather than typing on their devices. For example, if you're driving home and need to pick up a bottle of wine on your way back from work or check traffic conditions before leaving your house, your device will be able to help you find what you need quickly. To ensure that your website is optimized for voice searches, keep these tips in mind: Eliminate unnecessary words and ensure essential keywords are near the beginning of each page title.

6. Dark Mode Experience

With smartphones becoming a focal point in our lives, it's no surprise that we spend more time browsing on them than on our computers. So, what does that mean for web developers? Well, one of these days, you'll be browsing your favorite website, and everything will be just a little darker. Internet users are craving dark mode experiences—sites that allow users to browse with dark background colors and light-colored text. You may not see it right now, but dark mode experiences will soon become a must-have feature in every application.

7. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

This relatively new technology is already changing how people consume information on mobile devices. AMP allows webmasters to create content that loads almost instantly, paving the way for an experience that could radically change how people browse in years to come. If you're a publisher, building with AMP could help ensure your audience can access your content even if their connection speeds are slow or if they don't have the internet at all—all while offering a much better experience than traditional mobile sites can provide. And if you're hiring web developers in India, it will likely be beneficial to use AMP to support Google's initiatives and encourage more people to visit your site via mobile.

8. Server less Architecture and Seamless Applications

Server less architecture might just become a huge trend in 2022. Server less applications are hosted on third-party services, such as AWS Lambda, meaning companies don't have to worry about maintaining their servers or hiring developers who know how to do it. It's a new way of looking at web development and could lead to seamless experiences across devices. If you want to see what server less architecture is in action today, check out Bloom's website. We designed it using server less technology, and our customers love its easy use. You can even sign up for free!

9. Cyber Security in Web App Development

As web applications grow in complexity, they become an attractive target for cyber security threats. Cyber security is a serious issue that requires a systematic and informed approach. Developers must understand risk factors, identify threats and implement appropriate measures to secure web applications against cyber-attacks. To succeed, you need a skilled partner who understands both sides of cyber security, namely its technical aspects and non-technical business implications. Hire a web development agency in India with deep expertise to ensure your application is protected from cyber security risks.


Today's web development trends have been taken into consideration by top website developers. The best website developers have also considered other factors such as cost, time to market, scalability, and more. This is why they can provide better and more innovative solutions. If you are looking for website development services, then make sure to hire a professional developer who can deliver high-quality work on time. It is very important to choose a professional developer because of many reasons. One of them is that if you choose an amateur developer, it will be difficult for you to communicate with them; therefore, your project will take longer than expected. Hire the Best Website Developers in India Today from Brainfeed to stay on top of trends.


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